Most analyses of Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) employment data report net change in the number of workers. For example, Colorado lost about 25,000 jobs in 2010.
BLS also produces data series, based on the Quarterly Census of Employment (QCEW – private sector only), that report the following employment flows:
• employees added (establishments were opened); in 2009 this total was 101,869.
• workers added (firms currently in business); in 2009 this total was 369,773.
• employees lost (establishments contracted); in 2009 this total was 472,895.
• workers lost (firms closed); in 2009 this total was 111,574.
The sum of the first two categories measures gross job gains, whereas the sum of the latter two categories is gross job losses. In 2009 there was a gross gain of 471,642 jobs and a gross loss of 584,469 jobs.
The net change in employment is the difference between job gains and job losses. In 2009 the net change in employment was -112,827 workers. Total QCEW private employment for 2009 was 1,828,955 workers.
The magnitude of the net jobs lost is striking. It is a result of reduced job creation and increased job losses – the perfect storm on steroids. It should also be noted that in both 2008 and 2009 more jobs were lost by firms closings than were added by firms that were opened.
The following points stand out in an analysis of the jobs gained and jobs lost data:
• During the “go-go 90s” there was a high level of gross jobs lost and an even higher level of gross jobs added. There was a high level of job churn accompanied by strong net gains in employment.
• For the period 2002 through 2004, weak gross job gains were offset by much stronger gross job losses. There were net job losses of about 50,000 workers for this period.
• Gross job gains were comparatively weak for 2006 through 2008, although the state added about 170,000 net jobs over that period. There was a net increase in employment because of a decline in the number of gross jobs lost. In other words, job churn subsided. Workers were content to stay in the jobs they held at the time and fewer jobs were created, which increased competition for the available openings.
• It is especially disturbing to see the decline in the number of employees working for firms that were opened.
At this point, data for 2010 is available through mid-year. The good news is that there seems to be significant improvement in the number of gross jobs lost. On the downside, there is not corresponding improvement in the number of gross jobs gained.
For the moment it appears that Colorado’s wild-west entrepreneurial job creation machine seems to have stalled!
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