Colorado Adds 62,600 Jobs in Q1 2013

A review of 22 NAICS sectors shows that on average, Colorado added 62,600 jobs in Q1 compared to the same period last year.  Only four of the sectors posted losses (Information 1,800; Federal Government 900; Natural Resources 600; and State (Not Higher Education) 100.

The following sectors added jobs at a faster level, Q1 2013 vs. 2012:
Accommodations and Food Services; B-to-B (Not Employment); Retail Trade;  Construction;  K-12 Education;  Wholesale Trade; Health Care; Arts Entertainment, and Recreation; and Other Services.

The following sectors added jobs at the same level, Q1 2013 vs. 2012:
Corporate Headquarters (MCE), Local (Not Higher Education), and State (Not Higher Education).

The following sectors added jobs at a slower level, Q1 2013 vs. 2012:
Private Education; Information; Employment Services; Transportation, Warehousing, and Utilities;  Higher Education; Financial Activities; Federal Government; Manufacturing; Professional, Scientific, and Technical; and Natural Resources and Mining.

While it is great news that most sectors are adding jobs, it may be cause for concern that many of the state’s primary job creators have fallen in the latter category – adding jobs at a level slower than 2012.

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