BLS reports 33,000 Colorado jobs added in 2011

The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently released its benchmark revisions for 2011 that show Colorado added 33,000 jobs in 2011. The updated total is nearly double the projected job growth of the monthly data presented throughout the year.

After peaking in 2008, approximately 150,000 jobs were shed in 2009 and 2010. Employment declines were so severe that total employment dropped below the 2001 peak. Finally, in 2011, Colorado employment again surpassed the high point in 2001.

If Colorado employment increases by about 1.7% in 2012 and 1.9% – 2.2% for the 2 years after that, it will reach the 2008 peak in 2014. In other words, it will take six years to return to the 2008 peak.
By comparison, it took 4½ years for employment to return to the 2001 peak after jobs losses associated with the 2001 recession. (Some economists are saying the full recovery will return to peak just in time for the next cyclical downturn).

Here’s to quicker recoveries from future recessions.
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