
Stagnancy in the Size of the Colorado Labor Force – The Lost Decade and Beyond

In a previous post, the topic of discussion was the stagnancy of the labor force during the 1980s (click here). In that case the size of the labor force was flat for about five years because of a regional recession, weak wage and salary job growth, and negative net migration. This post will look at the size of the labor force during the Great Recession and beyond.

Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) are available for Colorado beginning in 1976. Since then, the month-over-prior month labor force increased about 87% of the time (383 of 442 months). In a vibrant economy, periodic ups and downs are expected, but increases in the size of the labor force are generally the rule of the thumb.

Between April 2000 and October 2012 there were 30 months with decreases in the month-over-prior month size of the labor force. In January 2008 there were 2,722,015 workers. By April 2009 the number had risen to 2,758,468 workers.

During the past 42 months, there were 19 month-over-prior month declines. There were 2,725,803 workers in the October 2012 labor force. This was 32,665 fewer than the level in April 2009 and essentially the same as January 2008.

Next, we will look at three data sets for the period: Wage and Salary job growth, Net migration, and the Unemployment Rate.

For the years, 2009-2012, wage and salary job growth was devastating, with back-to-back net job losses in 2009 and 2010. The net change in wage and salary jobs follows:
• 2008 19,000
• 2009 -104,700
• 2010 -23,300
• 2011  33,000
• 2012 est  45,000

Unlike the 1980s, when the state experienced negative net migration, there has been solid positive net migration, i.e. more people moved into the state than out of it. The net migration follows:
• 2008 45,000
• 2009 36,300
• 2010 37,000
• 2011 34,900
• 2012 est 36,800

For this period the unemployment rate varied from 4.8% to 8.0%. While the monthly rate has dropped from a high of 9.0% in 2010, the 2012 annual rate remains the same as it was in 2009.
• 2008 4.8%
• 2009 8.1%
• 2010 8.9%
• 2011 8.3%
• 2012 8.0%

For all intensive purposes, the size of the labor force will be about the same as it was at the end of 2009 and the number of employed and unemployed workers will be similar.

• The 33,000 wage and salary jobs added in 2011 lowered the unemployment rate by 0.6% points, yet growth of 45,000 jobs in 2012 will lower it by 0.3% points.
• For the period 2008 to 2012, total net migration was 190,000; approximately 125,000 of these individuals are 16-65 years old.

This raises a series of questions:
• How many people have become contract or 1099 workers? How many have become sole proprietors and owned family businesses? How many people are working temporary jobs? Will they still work in this capacity when the economy recovers or will they take wage and salary jobs?
• How many workers have stopped working who don’t show up in the data?
• What are the in migrants doing? Did they take jobs that Colorado residents might have taken? Are they working in other capacities?
• How many families with dual incomes now only have one income?
• Have the published unemployment numbers been manipulated to meet political agendas?

There seem to be more questions than answers and the numbers do not seem to reconcile. As grave as the employment situation has been, it appears that the unemployment rate may be inaccurate and may have understated the magnitude of the problem.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Stagnancy in the Size of the Colorado Labor Force – 1980s

The unemployment rate is one of the most popular, but overrated statistics for measuring the performance of the economy. It is such a crude measurement of economic performance that the state’s labor economist was recently quoted in the media as saying that it shouldn’t be taken at face value.

The calculation of the unemployment rate is simple. The number of unemployed workers is added to the number of employed workers (wage and salary, sole proprietors, and others) and that equals the size of the labor force. The unemployment rate is simply the number of unemployed workers divided by the size of the labor force.

In other words, the size of the labor force is a key component in determining the accuracy of the unemployment rate. This brings us to the topic of this post – the size of the labor force.

Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) are available for Colorado beginning in 1976. Since then, month-over-prior month labor force increased about 87% of the time (383 of 442 months). In a vibrant economy, periodic ups and downs are expected, but increases in the size of the labor force are generally the rule of the thumb.

There are two periods when the size of the labor force did not increase, during the 1980s and the late 2000s. The following analysis looks a period during the 1980s.

Between September 1984 through April 1989 the size of the labor force declined in 29 of 53 months.

In August 1984 the size of the labor force, as measured by LAUS data,  was 1,719,239. It declined sharply in 1985, bounced back for most of 1986, and fell sharply in 1987. It remained flat for much of 1988 and into the first part of 1989. In June of 1989, the labor force was reported at 1,719,824. From that point, it continued to grow.

Next, we will look at three data sets for the period: Wage and Salary job growth, Net migration, and the unemployment rate.

During this period, Wage and Salary (CES)  job growth was weak, with net job losses in 1987. The net change in wage and salary jobs follows:
• 1984   75,100
• 1985   16,400
• 1986  -10,400
• 1987       4,300
• 1988    23,500
• 1989    46,200
• 1990    38,600

The CES and LAUS series are different measures of employment, but they should tell a similar story about changes in employment.

During this period the state experienced negative net migration, i.e. more people moved out of the state than into the state. The net migration follows:
• 1984      2,782
• 1985      5,172
• 1986     -5,270
• 1987   -13,997
• 1988   -24,280
• 1989   -18,752
• 1990   -12,964

For this period the unemployment rate varied from 5.4% to 7.5%. It remained at a higher than normal level because unemployed workers were able to move outside the region and find work. The annual unemployment rates for this period were:
• 1984   5.4%
• 1985   6.0%
• 1986   7.5%
• 1987   7.5%
• 1988   6.4%
• 1989   5.6%
• 1990   5.1%

The labor force was stagnant for about five years for the following reasons:
• There was a regional recession
• Weak wage and salary job growth
• Negative net migration.

A similar stagnancy in the size of the labor force occurred during the 2000s. It is more difficult to understand and will be discussed in a later post (click here).

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Colorado Posts So-So Competitive Job Growth 2010-2012

On November 7th, Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI) released America’s Most Competitive Metros since 2010, a blogpost/mini-report showing which metros are becoming more competitive. Denver was ranked 25th and Colorado Springs was ranked 64th in the list of 100 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) evaluated. Pueblo, Fort Collins, Boulder, Greeley and Grand Junction were not included in the analysis.

EMSI used shift share analysis to make this comparison for the period 2010 to 2012 (Q3 2012 complete data). This method of analysis decomposes the change in employment into four categories: the national growth effect, the industrial effect, expected change, and the change in an industry due to local unique competitive advantages within the region. The latter is the focus of the EMSI blog post. This competitive change is then expressed as a percentage of total employment.

Of the 100 top MSAs evaluated, the relative change in competitive jobs ranged from -3.9% to 3.5%. Forty-eight MSAs posted increases over this period, while 52 recorded negative changes.

There were 28 MSAs with employment greater than 1 million workers. Only 3 of these cities were in the top 10 in terms of relative percentage growth; however, 16 of 28 had positive growth and only 32 of the 72 cities with employment less than 1 million workers had positive growth.

The MSAs at the top of the list were San Jose, Austin, Bakersfield, Provo, and Houston.  The top 48 MSAs, or those with a positive competitive effect are listed below (Those with negative growth are in a separate table).

Only 12 of the cities with more than 1 million workers were in the MSAs that posted competitive declines, while 40 of the 72 MSAs with less than 1 million workers recorded decreases. The MSAs at the bottom of the list were Modesto, Lakeland-Winter Haven, Palm Bay, Albuquerque, and Augusta.  A few comments about the position of the two Colorado MSAs follows this table.

The good news from the EMSI report is that Colorado’s hub of commerce, the Denver MSA, is adding “competitive” jobs. If the other MSAs had been included, Boulder and Fort Collins would probably join Denver as gainers and Pueblo, Greeley, and Grand Junction would join Colorado Springs on the down side. Clearly the trickledown effect from Denver to other parts of the state is minimal or non-existent.

Colorado’s recovery has been steady but, it has occurred at a pace slower than desired. While Colorado has been adding jobs, a disproportionate amount of those jobs are in the public sector. While those jobs may be necessary and justified, they will not provide Colorado with a competitive advantage in the months ahead.

Colorado needs to add more primary jobs and jobs need to be added outside the metro area. Here’s to better times for Colorado and the U.S!

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

CPIA Names Real D Company of the Year

At its most recent quarterly meeting, the Colorado Photonics Industry Association, CPIA, announced Real D as the 2012 Colorado Photonics Company of the Year. The company received its award for contributions to the Colorado photonics industry over the past year. (For those not familiar with photonics, the National Academy Press, presents a great overview in  A Day In Life with Photonics.

Other companies receiving this prestigious award are:
• 2011  ATFilms
• 2010  Research Electro Optics
• 2009  Digital Globe
• 2008  ASD, Inc.
• 2007  Picolight, Inc.
• 2006  PMS
• 2004/2005 Coherent Technologies
• 2003  Spectranetics
• 2002  Ball Aerospace
• 2001  Network Photonics

RealD, is a visual technology developer, manufacturer and licenser enabling premium 3D viewing experiences in the theater, the home and beyond. Because photonics is an enabling technology the competition for the recognition is stiff. RealD was selected from more than 200 companies in the aerospace, renewable energy, defense, life sciences, telecommunications, and electronics industries, which are involved in photonics, or light-based, technologies.

Although 3D has been around since 1915, the company’s technology has revolutionized the film industry by making it easier to create 3D movies. Some in the industry say their impact on the motion pictures has been as significant as when movies went from black and white to color.

The company has an effective business model for capturing and maintaining market share – they lease equipment rather than sell it. This makes it possible for theaters to constatly have the latest technology avialable for their customers. Real D is constantly finding ways to improve their services and products as they are applying their research, technology, and innovation skills to the development of eyewear, video games, and displays.

A sampling of current Real D releases include: Hotel Transylvania, The Hobbit, Oz – The Great and Powerful, the Droods, and Frankenweenie.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

“Don’t Get Excited” About the Addition of 7,000 Colorado Jobs in September

In its latest state-level jobs report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics stated that Colorado gained 7,000 jobs in September, on a seasonally-adjusted (SA) basis. This inordinate gain comes on the heels of a loss of 100 jobs in August.

The quirky nature of the data prompted Colorado’s chief labor economist to report to the Denver Post that the state shouldn’t get “too excited about the addition of 7,000 jobs in September”. It is unlikely that this wide swing in jobs is an accurate measure of what is happening on the streets. Rather, it is the result of adjustment factors that don’t fully capture “seasonal” changes in the economy. Unfortunately, Colorado’s Labor Market Information agency has chosen to use the SA data set as the foundation of its monthly labor reports.

A look at the non-seasonally adjusted data (NSA) shows that Colorado has added an average of 38,800 workers through the first three quarters of the year. The year-end data shouldn’t be too far off that mark, before revisions. Final revisions, made by BLS in March of 2013 and 2014, will likely be in an upward direction since the non-farm, or wage and salary data typically understates growth during periods of sustained growth.

Overall job growth is broad based with the strongest absolute growth occurring in the following sectors:
6,700 Tourism
5,900 Private, Education, and HealthCare
4,700 Professional, and Scientific, and Technical Services
4,700 Retail Trade
4,400 Construction
4,100 Employment Services
3,100 Manufacturing

The following sectors posted absolute job gains that were more moderate:
2,400 K-12 Education
1,800 Extractive Industries
1,700 Wholesale Trade
1,500 Higher Education
1,300 Corporate Headquarters (MCE)
1,300 Personal (Other) Services

Minimal change was recorded in the following sectors:
800 Financial Activities
300 B-to-B (Not Employment Services)
Flat State (Not Higher Education)
-200 Utilities
-400 Transportation & Warehousing

More significant job losses were reported in the following:
-400 Transportation & Warehousing
-700 Federal Government
-2,300 Local Government (Not K-12)
-2,400 Information

Average employment for the first quarter of the year was 47,300 greater than 2011. At the time that level of increase did not seem realistic or sustainable. In April, job growth dropped off to a rate that was in line with the sluggish growth of the U.S. economy.

Average employment for the past six months has been 34,600 and the range of year-over-year job gains has varied from 31,200 to 37,100. It seems realistic to expect similar job gains through the end of the year.

For more detailed analysis of the Colorado economy go to

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Are We Better Off Than We Were Four Years Ago? – Colorado

This election season has featured an abundance of discussion about where the state is better off now than we were four years ago. In some cases, we are better off today and in other cases we are not.  The following data provides a snapshot of key metrics that fit into both categories.

Colorado Population
People like to visit and live in Colorado. Continued population growth is projected on a long-term basis.
• Although Net Migration has slowed, Colorado’s population continues to grow at a steady pace.
Colorado Employment and Unemployment
Increased population growth points to long-term job gains and lower employment.
• During the 69 months between January 2007 and September 2012 Colorado only gained jobs in 34 months (seasonally adjusted data).
• In 2012, Colorado employment is well below employment of 2007 and 2008, but it is trending upwards.
• In 2012, jobs are being added at a faster rate than they were in 2008, but not 2007.
• The number of unemployed workers is more than twice as much in 2012 as it was in 2007. It is also greater than 2008.
• The unemployment rate in 2012 is twice the 2007 rate and much higher than in 2008.
• In 2012, the unemployment rate and the number of unemployed workers is trending downward, whereas, it was trending upward in 2008.

Colorado Employment by Sector
Segments of the economy are healthier than they were in 2008.
• Projected annual state employment for 2012 will be about 56,900 less than the total for 2008. The following sectors have greater 2012 employment than 2008: Private Education and Health Care, Higher Education, Tourism, K-12 Education, Corporate Headquarters (MCE), Federal Government, Employment Services, State Government, Extractive Industries, and Professional and Scientific and Technical Services.
Colorado Job Creation
Improved firm and job creation is necessary if the economy is to recover at a faster rate.
• Gross job losses and job gains for 2011 are less than 2008. Improvement in net job gains is more a result of decreased layoffs than actual job creation.

Income and Wages
Recent wage and income data is mixed.
• Per Capita Personal Income – The 2011 average is slightly below the value for 2008.
• Colorado Median Household Income – The 2011 median is below the value for 2008.
• Average Annual Wages – The 2011 average is above the value for 2008.

Colorado Output
Increased employment and wages will point to increased demand for goods and services. This in turn will push output upwards.
• Colorado Real GDP was greater than the U.S. for 2007 to 2011.
• The following sectors have shown steady growth since 1997 and 2011 output is greater than 2007 and 2008: Retail Trade; Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services; Health Care; Finance and Insurance; and Information.
• Real output for the Construction sector was greater in 2007 and 2008 than 2011 for both Colorado and the U.S.

Colorado and Inflation
Overall inflation has been minimal; however, inflation in key areas has been noticeable.
• Overall inflation has been minimal since the beginning of the Great Recession. Apparel and Housing are the only sectors that have grown at a lower rate than All Items for Coloradans.
Construction and Housing
There is improvement in the Construction and Housing markets.
• The number of permits in 2012 is greater than 2008, although they are well below the levels shown in the 2000s.  Most importantly, permits are slowly trending upwards.
• 2012 Colorado housing prices are approaching 2008 levels.
• Home ownership rates in 2011 are below the rates in 2008. More importantly, they are trending downwards.

General Fund and Retail Trade Sales
Gross General Fund Revenue is trending upwards because of stronger job gains (income taxes) and retail trade sales (sales taxes).
• Retail Sales are improving. Projected Sales Tax Revenue for the fiscal year ending June 2013 will exceed revenue for FYE 2008 (not adjusted for inflation). This tax accounts for about one-fourth of Gross General Fund Revenue.
• Projected Net Individual Income Tax for the fiscal year ending June 2012 will exceed FYE 2008 (not adjusted for inflation). This tax accounts for about two-thirds of Gross General Fund Revenue.
• Projected General Fund Revenue for the fiscal year ending June 2012 will match FYE 2008 (not adjusted for inflation).

For more detailed analysis of the state of the economy compared to four years ago, visit or click here.


©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Are We Better Off Now Than We Were Four Years Ago? – The United States

During this election season the politicians have raised the question, “Are we better off now than we were four years ago?” It is easy to find data that supports or rejects the notion that “we” are better off today, but it is difficult to provide a clear cut answer either way.

U.S. Output
• Real GDP output is stronger than 4 years ago, although it is increasing at a less than desirable rate.
• Since 1930 Real GDP has increased 64 of 82 years, or 78% of the time. It has declined in back-to-back years from 1930 to 1933, 1945 to 1947, 1974 to 1975, and 2008 to 2009. It is very simple. Because the U.S. population is growing there is increased demand for goods most of the time, hence increased output.

U.S. Debt
• From 1966 to 2000, the Federal debt rose from $.3 trillion to $5.8 trillion. By mid-2012 it has reached almost $16 trillion.
• From Q3 2008 to Q4 2010 consumers began deleveraging. Since then, they have continued to take on debt at a pre-2008 pace.
• While an argument can be made that it was necessary for the U.S. to incur a portion of the debt to prevent a depression, it is difficult to justify the over-consumption by consumers.

U.S. Employment and Unemployment
• During the 69 months between January 2007 and September 2012 the U.S. lost jobs in 31 months and gained jobs in 38 months.
• In 2012, total U.S. employment is below total employment in 2008; jobs are being added at a faster rate than they were in 2008.
• In 2012 the number of jobs added is trending upward, whereas it was trending downward in 2008.
• The number of unemployed workers is much higher in 2012 than in 2007 and 2008.
• The unemployment rate in 2012 is much higher than in 2008.
• In 2012, the unemployment rate and the number of unemployed workers is trending downward, whereas, it was trending upward in 2008.
• Since 1940 U.S. employment has increased 54 of 72 years, or 80% of the time. Five of the 14 declining years have occurred in the past decade (2002-2003 and 2008-2010). The increase in population coupled with the increase in demand for goods and services has generally resulted in an increase in jobs.

Financial Well-Being
• The 2012 Credability Consumer Distress Index is above the 2008 level and trending upwards (this is good news).  Consumers are still “At Risk.”
• Health Care Coverage – The 2011 percentage of coverage is slightly below the 2008 level.
• Dow Jones Industrial Average – the DJIA is about 4,800 points above its level at this time (October) in 2008.
• Housing prices – Nationally, 2012 housing prices are below 2008 levels.

• Average gas prices for 2008 were $3.21 per gallon. Through the first 44 weeks of 2012, average prices are $3.57 per gallon.
• After bottoming out in early 2009 U.S. auto sales have trended upward and are approaching 15 million a year.  Sales in 2012 are better than 2008.

For more detailed analysis of the state of the economy compared to four years ago, visit or click here.


©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Are We Better Off Now Than We Were Four Years Ago? – Income

The Great Recession was not kind to Coloradans in terms of employment and income.

On a positive note, Colorado’s Per Capita Personal Income (PCPI) increased between 2001 and 2011. The bad news is that it decreased sharply in 2009 and saw minimal gains in 2010 and 2011. Colorado’s 2011 PCPI is slightly below the value for 2008. Note: this data is not adjusted for inflation.

The news is less positive for Colorado’s Median Household Income (MHI). With the exception of 2007 and 2008, Colorado’s MHI, expressed in 2011 dollars, has trended downwards since 2000.

For more detailed analysis of the state of the economy compared to four years ago, visit or click here.


©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Are We Better Off Now Than We Were Four Years Ago? – Debt

From 1966 to 2000 (34 years), the Federal debt rose from $.3 trillion to $5.8 trillion. It began to rise steeply in 2008 and by mid- 2012 it had reached almost $16 trillion. Between Q1 2008 and Q1 2012, Federal debt increased by about $6.4 trillion.
In June, 2008 consumers began deleveraging (this includes defaulting on loans). Their debt levels decreased for 27 months, until September, 2010. At that point their debt levels again began increasing and by June 2011 debt loads returned to the previous peak of June 2008. Since that time, they have been increasing at a rate similar to June, 2008.
Neither the debt levels of the federal government nor consumers are healthy for the economy in the long-term.

For more detailed analysis of the state of the economy compared to four years ago, visit or click here.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Most Recent Labor Report Not What Incumbents Want to Hear

The October 5th Bureau of Labor Statistics press release was disappointing, particularly for incumbents in the upcoming elections. The report indicated that the U.S. added only 114,000 nonfarm jobs in September. It stated, “Employment increased in health care and in transportation and warehousing but changed little in most other major industries.” While job creation is important, the expansion of these industries does little to create jobs in other sectors.

The recent update also indicated that there are 12 million Americans out of work. Four years ago that number was 9.5 million and 6 years ago it was 6.8 million. The fact that the unemployment rate edged downward to 7.8% seems somewhat irrelevant given this data.

The data can be looked at from a slightly different perspective. That view indicates that the nation has regained about half the jobs lost as a result of the Great Recession. Ugh!

The private sector added 104,000 jobs for the month, while government employment added 10,000 workers. This is the second month in a row for increased government employment. While some have an unfavorable view of job gains in the public sector, in this case, it may be a positive indicator that state and local revenue streams have improved.

The BLS announcement was preceded by the ADP employment report which stated that private nonfarm employment had risen by 162,000 in September, 189,000 in August, and 156,000 in July. At this point, ADP is clearly more optimistic about the recovery than the BLS.

On average, Colorado nonfarm employment comprises about 1.72% of the U.S. total. If Colorado grows at the same pace as the U.S., the state data will gain about 2,000 jobs in September. We’ll see what BLS says in their monthly update on October 19th.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.