After 8 Months, 7 Sectors Show Job Gains

Through the first 8 months of the year there are 7 sectors of the economy that have added a net total of 34,900 jobs, compared to the same period last year.

  • Tourism                                                +11,600
  • Private Education and Health Care +9,600
  • Professional and Scientific                +4,100
  • Extractive Industries                             +3,000
  • Wholesale Trade                                  +2,300
  • Employment Services                          +2,300
  • Higher Education                                  +1,900

These sectors account for 40.6% of total employment. Average wages for this mix of workers is about $43,600 per worker, compared to average annual wages for all workers of about $47,900 (calculations based on 2010 QCEW data). In other words, the average wages for the sectors that are adding jobs is less than the overall state average.

The 2011 prognosis is that each of these sectors will show job gains for the year (2011) and that average annual wages for the group will be less than the overall state average.  For a more comprehensive review of the Colorado economy visit the CBER website.


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