The U.S. and Colorado have experienced volatile economic conditions for about 20 years. There was strong growth during the go-go 1990s, follow by two major recessions during the Lost Decade. Startups play an important role in any economy, but until recently there has been little data to understand their performance. This brief analysis uses BLS data and assumes that startups are less than one-year in age and have employees.
The following are the most frequent questions asked about survival rates for startups.
• Are the rates different based on the number of years the firms have been in existence?
• Are the rates different based on when the firm was started?
• How have the rates changed over time?
The answers are explained and can be observed below.
The first question is the easiest to answer – survival rates are lower for longer periods of time.
• The range for two-year rates was 60.9% to 68.9%.
• The range for five year rates was 43.7% to 50.7%.
• The range for eight-year rates was 33.4% to 39.7%.
A partial answer can be given to the second question. Data is available for different time frames (16 years for two-year rates, 13 years for five-year rates, and 10 years for eight-year rates). For the 10-year period that is common to all three rates, the lowest rates occurred in 2001.
The 2-year survival rate was 61.6% in 2001 and 60.9% in 2008. Based on the current trends, the lowest 5-year and 8 -year rates are likely to occur in 2008. This coincides with the low points in the business cycle.
The answer to the final question is simple – survival rates have declined over time.
• The 2-year rates began declining in 1999, posted a slight increase in 2002, declined in 2006 and rebounded in 2009.
• The 5-year rates showed a steady decline beginning in 1995. There was an uptick in 2002 and 2003, but the downward trend reappeared in 2004.
• The 8-year rates showed a downward trend beginning in 1995. There was slight upward movement in 2002 and 2003.
As mentioned above, these changes have coincided with the business cycle; however, over time they are trending downward.
Are there policy decisions that could reverse this downward path? Is this downward trend a function of the quality of teaching in colleges and universities? Are the multitude of higher education entrepreneurial centers that have been started over the past two decade having a positive impact? Is this trend a function of poor service from government programs such as the Small Business Development Centers or the Small Business Administration? Have the banks failed to properly fund the startups? Or would the survival rate have been worse if the university and federal government programs weren’t in place? Or is this downward trend simply a function of ten-years of annualized Real GDP growth of 1.6%.
Startups are an important part of the economy. When data becomes available for 2010 and beyond (several years from now), hopefully it will be possible to look back and see that the downward trend has reversed.
For additional information on startups and job creation go to or the report “Where Are All the Startups?”
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