Metro Counties a Drag on Colorado Economy

Colorado added 6,200 net employees during the 10-year period (2001 to 2010). This is in sharp contrast to the previous 10 years (1991 to 2000) when the state gained almost 700,000 workers.

During the go-go 90s, payrolls in the Denver MSA increased by more than 355,000 followed by gains of about 95,000 in rural Colorado. Almost 93,000 jobs were added in El Paso County (Colorado Springs MSA) and another 57,000 in Boulder County (Boulder MSA).

At the risk of being repetitious… the state added only 6,200 workers between 2001 and 2010.

During this period the Denver MSA lost 20,000 workers, the Boulder MSA shed 4,900, and Colorado Springs payrolls decreased by 3,600. Employment in the state’s top three MSAs declined by 28,500 workers. The drop-off in Denver and Boulder began in 2002 and continued throughout the decade, whereas it started in 2007 for Colorado Springs. This was around the time Intel and other high-tech and semiconductor companies left the area.

At the risk of being repetitious… rural Colorado and the smaller MSAs were the only areas to add workers during the decade. Given the weakness in Colorado’s three major metro areas, it seems why the state is struggling to add jobs at a sustained level in 2011.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Rural Employment Growth Rate Outpaces State MSAs

After a promising start in 2000, employment in all parts of the state suffered from back-to-back recessions. This brief analysis shows that the rate of growth in the rural areas outpaced the metro areas.

Presently, the breakdown between the Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) and rural areas follows:


  • 1.9 million workers.
  • 86.8% of total workers.
  • 17 counties.


  • .3 million workers.
  • 13.2% of total workers.
  • 47 counties.

Despite modest job gains after the first downturn, declines resulting from the second recession dropped statewide employment to 2001 levels.

Seasonality is more evident in rural areas because there is a small base of workers. As a result rural employment is more volatile.

Colorado employment is forecast to increase by 15,000 to 25,000 jobs this year, or in the neighborhood of 1.0%. The rate of growth for rural areas is expected to be slightly higher than in the rural areas.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Manufacturing, Information, and Professional Business Services Drive Colorado Economy

All industries play different and important roles in our economy. Some pay high wages or create new jobs, while others provide services that generate tax revenue.

Economic developers welcome the creation of any job, but they emphasize the recruitment and retention of companies that have primary jobs. A primary job brings in money from outside the local community and often pays higher than average wages. As a result, these jobs create wealth and other local jobs.

In Colorado most primary jobs are in the Manufacturing, Information, and Professional Business Services sectors. They account for about 29% of total state private sector employment and 35% of the state’s private sector Real GDP. Colorado’s Advance Technology cluster is a subset of these three sectors.

In recent years, the Mining and Logging sector has employed about 1.5% of total private sector workers, yet it has accounted for about 6% of the state’s private sector output. The Real Estate and Finance group of sectors are also small from an employment perspective; however, they make a significant contribution, 23%, to the state’s private sector output.

Tourism and retail are important for different reasons. First, they touch the economies of all 64 counties.
Colorado’s scenic mountains provide the state with a distinctive competency, that cannot be replicated. Sales tax from the retail sector are a funding source for special districts and state and local governments. These sectors are important because they employ about 1 out of every 4 workers. Combined, they are responsible for about 11% of the state’s private sector output.

Finally, industries such as health care, personal services, utilities and the remaining sectors are important
because they add to the quality of life. These and the remaining sectors employ 35-40% of private sector workers, while being responsible for about 25% of private sector output.

The above analysis is based on 2009 data. The Bureau of Economic Analysis is scheduled to release its 2010 data within the month. Watch for more in-depth analysis at

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Cooperation and Sharing… Can You Say CIC?

A member of the 1967 Ohio State University lacrosse team was recently being harassed by friends about the firing/resignation/departure of Jim Tressel, the Buckeye football coach. After a few minutes he politely told his tormenters, “Can you say CIC?”

Say what?

For the benefit of his distracters, the proud Buckeye explained how the CIC is one of the nation’s top economic engines. For the unenlightened, the Committee on Institutional Cooperation is a consortium of the Big Ten member universities plus the University of Chicago.

For five decades the group has worked together to further the missions of their respective universities. They have done this by sharing their knowledge, unique skills, and expertise for the good of the greater cause.

According to the CIC website, 385,000 students attended the universities in the consortium in 2006-2007 (last available data). During that period members received $6 billion in R&D funding. Overall, the institutions awarded 6,532 doctoral degrees, including 20% of U.S. engineering doctoral degrees, and 25% of U.S. agricultural doctoral degrees. While it would be easy to further summarize CIC successes, a greater appreciation of the their programs and impacts can be gained by visiting their website.

Cooperation and sharing expertise – two simple concepts that we were taught in kindergarten.

Looking closer to home… While it is not reasonable to expect Colorado’s higher education system to match the impacts of the CIC, it is fair to hold the system accountable for their cooperative spirit and their willingness to share expertise.

Over the past decade, Colorado’s colleges and universities have been focused on Ward Churchill, Lisa Simpson, 4/20, a lawsuit over toilet paper, which school had the best advertisements at DIA, and a series of PR other gaffes. Colorado higher education has created the impression that it is driven by $$ more than the greater good of the cause.

The system has posted gains in employment during two recessions. Average annual wages have grown at a faster rate than the private sector. Despite tough economic times, Colorado higher education has ramped up its lobbying and fund raising efforts. It has requested and expected double-digit tuition increases to be granted without question.

Cooperation and sharing…the backbone of the CIC. Do they exist in Colorado higher education?

LASP, Maven, EUV, and JILA are great examples of what can happen when people respectfully work together and exchange ideas. Does this collaboration exist beyond engineering and the sciences? What is being done to increase partnerships and eliminate fiefdom building and working in silos? What is being done to make collaboration and the legitimate exchange of ideas a greater part of all disciplines at each of the state’s community colleges, colleges, and universities?

As Colorado legislators ponder ways to improve higher education, the concepts of cooperation and sharing should be part of the discussion. Colorado deserves a higher education system that delivers the goods with the cooperative spirit of the schools in the CIC.


©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Got Jobs? Colorado Economy Stalled

Got jobs?

The Colorado Office of Labor Market Information recently released data that shows that four-month average employment for the state was 12,500 workers above the same period in 2010. The private sector posted a gain of 14,700 employees while total government employment decreased by 2,200.

Over the past four months, a group of industry sectors have increased their payrolls by 32,800 jobs (see chart below). These sectors account for 60% of total employment.

At the top of the list of gainers are tourism (+10,300) and private education  and health services (+9,900). The next three sectors are the extractive industries (+2,800), wholesale trade(+1,900), and higher education (+1,800).

Nationally, the recovery is shaping up differently than in Colorado. The leading U.S. sectors are professional and business services (PBS), tourism, health care, and manufacturing. Job growth in the Colorado PBS and manufacturing sectors seems lackluster compared to the U.S.. Companies in both sectors are part of the state advanced technology cluster, a key driver of the economy.

Meanwhile, the other 40% of the sectors has shed 20,300 jobs. Construction jobs continue to top out the list of industries shedding jobs (-8,800), followed by financial activities and the information sector, both posting losses of 3,600 jobs. Local education, PK-12, has dropped 2,200 workers while the federal government payrolls are down by 1,700. The decrease in federal employment is an anomaly. A number of temporary jobs were added in mid-2010 to complete the decennial census.

Fortunately, the movement of the state economy is different than movement of an airplane, where “stalling out” can have disastrous consequences. At the moment, a recession is unlikely; however, it is frustrating to endure a two-year recovery (jobs and output) that is moving forward at a “stalled pace.”

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Colorado Photonics Cluster Outperforms Job Growth for State

Can you remember the names and order of all the planets?

Ball Aerospace announced that task just got tougher. In a presentation at the May 18th meeting of the Colorado Photonics Industry Association (CPIA), the local aerospace company discussed their role in the search to find habitable planets.

Pictures taken from a satellite built by Ball, as part of the Kepler project, have confirmed 15 new planets and their composition. That is just the beginning. About 1,000 additional potential planets have been discovered and are being evaluated. Expectations are that 80% will be classified as planets.

A second segment of the CPIA program included a presentation on the performance of the Colorado economy and a review of the Governor’s Bottom-Up Economic Development plan. That discussion focused on the importance of Advanced Technology in Colorado and the growth of the photonics cluster.

The AT cluster is a subset of the Information; Manufacturing; and Professional, Scientific and Technical Services sectors. About 20% of the state’s private sector workers are employed by companies in these three sectors, yet they account for about 35% of the state’s private sector Real GDP.

By comparison, tourism accounts for about 5% of Real GDP and retail is 6%. Both sectors are important to the state in different ways.

The tourism sector is an important part of the economy for the state’s 64 counties. Major attractions include Rocky Mountain National Park, Mesa Verde, mountain sports, and shopping at Cherry Creek mall.

Retail is important to local governments. They derive between 50 to 75% of their total revenue from retail sales taxes. As well, the state and special districts rely on retail sales taxes as their primary source of revenue.

The economic review concluded with a look at an analysis of data  that showed the growth of the photonics cluster between 2004 and 2010. Cluster growth for this six year period exceeded total state growth in all but one employment size category.

In short, the cluster benefitted from growth of renewable energy companies, but suffered from the decline of the state’s semiconductor industry. The analysis illustrates the importance of enabling technologies and how they play a key role in the success of companies in a wide array of industries.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Do Colorado Companies Receive Their Fair Share of VC Funding?

Colorado policy makers and business leaders take great pride in the state’s innovation and cowboy entrepreneurial spirit, but do Colorado’s innovators receive the funding or venture capital necessary to take their companies and ideas to the next level?

Most business leaders and policy makers answer the question with a resounding “No!” It is their belief that the local entrepreneurial community would be stronger if Colorado innovators had greater access to local capital.

On the other hand, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) research resoundingly states that most businesses are adequately funded and that their greatest need is to have more customers. Admittedly, the NFIB customer base includes small businesses other than those who seek VC funding, so their results may not be totally representative of the VC community.

Some venture capitalists claim that Colorado lacks the critical mass of companies in any one cluster to warrant the attention that companies and policy makers feel they deserve. It is their belief that quality innovation will attract sufficient funding, no matter the location.

Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) Moneytree conducts research regarding the number of VC deals and investments for the U.S. and the states. Since 1995:
• Colorado companies have received 1.6 to 4.2% of total U.S. investment.
• Colorado companies have received 2.2 to 3.4% of total U.S. deals.
• The average size of an investment per deal is similar for Colorado and the U.S.
• Colorado has approximately 2.0% of total U.S. private sector firms.

Based on the number of companies in Colorado, the state typically receives more than its share of VC funding. The question is, “Do Colorado companies receive their fair share of VC funding?”.

For additional slides about Colorado’s VC funding  go to the PWC website.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Third Consecutive Month of 200,000+ Job Growth

On Friday (5/6/11), the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced the U.S. had added 244,000 jobs in April (2011), the third consecutive month for the U.S. to add at least 200,000 net jobs. Private sector jobs were added at the highest rate in 5 years.

The Professional and Business Services sector added about 51,000 new workers, followed by tourism (46,000), and health care (37,000). Manufacturing posted gains of 29,000 employees.

As expected the largest loser was government, primarily local governments. Sector employment dropped off by 24,000 workers.

The nation has regained 1.3 million jobs in the past year; however payrolls have about 7 million fewer workers than at the pre-recession peak. Despite this improvement, the recovery continues to be painful for a society that thrives off instant gratification.

The current momentum will continue if inflation remains in check, the double dip in the construction sector and housing markets is short-lived, and net job gains continue to average at least 200,000 jobs per month. It will take about 3 more years to recover all jobs at that rate of growth.

In two weeks the Colorado Office of Labor Market Information will release its preliminary employment update for April. Positive, but less than robust job gains are expected, with PBS, Tourism, Health Care, and Higher Education leading the way.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Concentration of State Construction Workers Declining

Colorado Construction employment peaked in 2006 and has been on a downward path since. Not seasonally adjusted data topped 175,000 jobs in 2006. Today, there are 102,000 workers, comparable to mid-1995.

The large number of foreclosures and reduction in housing prices brought the construction of single family housing to a screeching halt. Approximately 9,500 permits will be pulled in 2011, up from the trough in 2009 (7,231). This is a far cry from the peak in 2004 (40,753).

Because it is difficult for geographically large states to develop distinctive competencies in construction, the concentration or workers, or location quotient (LQ), should be near 1.0. (A location quotient is the ratio. It is the percentage of state construction workers divided by the percentage of U.S. construction workers).

A LQ greater than 1.0 indicates a higher concentration of construction workers, much as the state has had for the past 20 years. On the other hand, a LQ less than 1.0 means Colorado has less of a concentration, much as occurred at the end of the 1980s because of overbuilding.

The state LQ for construction workers remained below 1.0 through mid-1991. It increased for the next 10 years (2001) to about 1.5. In early 2001, the LQ began declining and dropped off sharply for three years (2004). It leveled off for five years, then plummeted again in 2009.

How low will the LQ go? In theory it is reverting to 1.0. As the country recovers from the Great Recession, other sectors will expand at a faster, thus driving the LQ lower. It will rise again when Colorado experiences another strong expansionary phase.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Is Inflation Giving you Gas?

It is not your imagination that the cost to fill your gas tank is rising faster than the increases in your paycheck.

Average retail gasoline prices for all formulations has more than doubled over the past two years (Colorado and U.S).

The annual cost for Coloradans to purchase 15 gallons of gasoline a week would have been about $1,800 for 2009. Last year that same amount of gasoline cost $2,100, a 16% increase. So far this year, prices are running about 21% ahead of last year. With the summer season right around the corner, $4.00 a gallon seems a certainty.

Is $5.00 a gallon on the horizon?

For some Americans the extra cost is an annoyance. For those who have gone months without a meaningful pay increase or those who are living on fixed or limited incomes, the additional $25 – $30 per month (for gasoline) is significant.

In addition higher fuel costs are indirectly causing increases in food prices, building materials, and various consumer goods and services.

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