Is Inflation Giving you Gas?

It is not your imagination that the cost to fill your gas tank is rising faster than the increases in your paycheck.

Average retail gasoline prices for all formulations has more than doubled over the past two years (Colorado and U.S).

The annual cost for Coloradans to purchase 15 gallons of gasoline a week would have been about $1,800 for 2009. Last year that same amount of gasoline cost $2,100, a 16% increase. So far this year, prices are running about 21% ahead of last year. With the summer season right around the corner, $4.00 a gallon seems a certainty.

Is $5.00 a gallon on the horizon?

For some Americans the extra cost is an annoyance. For those who have gone months without a meaningful pay increase or those who are living on fixed or limited incomes, the additional $25 – $30 per month (for gasoline) is significant.

In addition higher fuel costs are indirectly causing increases in food prices, building materials, and various consumer goods and services.

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