How Would You Describe Colorado’s 2010 Job Growth of 2.3%?

The world would be a much better place if economists were not allowed to use thesauruses. Only economists use phrases and terms such as irrational exuberance, the new normal, conundrum, albeit, and exacerbated.  Even worse are their descriptors for the performance of the economy.

Some economists refer to job growth of 2.3% as encouraging, on the upswing, or comparatively modest. Others might describe that same level of growth as dismal, subpar, or in line with expectations.

The state added 51,800 jobs in 2012. In the 73 years that employment data has been recorded for Colorado, 2012 was the 18th best year in terms of absolute job growth.

If you talked to a group of sixth graders, instead of an economist, they would probably smile and give such a performance an enthusiastic thumbs-up.

The 2012 job growth can also be measured in relative terms. In other words, state employment increased by 2.3%. In the 73 years that employment data has been recorded for Colorado, 2012 was the 46th best year of relative growth.

A group of sixth graders would describe that level of growth as follows, “If I did that poorly on a test I would flunk. That sucks!”

It’s your call, how would you rate the 2012 job growth in Colorado? Would you use the verbiage of an economist or the wisdom of a sixth grader?

For more information about the performance of the Colorado economy in 2012 refer to “Review of Colorado Economy – 2012“.

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