Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services – Key to Colorado Recovery

The Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (PST) sector is critical to the state. Companies in the sector provide engineering and architecture services, conduct scientific research, and manage computer systems. Of particular note, the sector is composed of companies from the various high-tech clusters (photonics, biosciences, nanotechnology, homeland security, IT, etc.).

PST accounted for about 10.6% of state private sector Real GDP in 2010. Between 1997 and 2010 it expanded at an annualized rate of 4.4% versus 3.4% for the Colorado private sector.

Average annual private sector PST Colorado wages for 2010 (most current year available) were $79,623, compared to $47,916 for the overall state average. In 2010, the Colorado PST sector accounted for 9.1% of total private sector employment. Between 1997 and 2010, the sector added employment at an annualized rate of 2.1% compared to 0.7% for the state.

The Healthcare, Higher Education, Tourism, and Extractive industries are leading the recovery. PST is next. It has added about 9,100 jobs since the low point in 2010.The sector has recovered about 78% of the jobs lost since peaking in 2008. If the positive employment trends continue, that level will be reached later this year.

It’s a long slow road to recovery.

For a more complete update on the recovery of the Colorado economy, go to

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