The recent tax cut package passed by Congress is expected to raise real GDP by .6 to 1.2% points depending on the economist making the projections. As a result, projected Real GDP growth for the nation is expected to be in the range of 2.3% to 4.0%.
The lion’s share of the benefit lies in the short-term reduction of the Social Security payroll tax rate paid by
employees. For 12 months, that percentage will be reduced from 6.2% to 4.2%.
This is often referred to as the FICA tax holiday. The federal government does not actually make payments, they simply collect less revenue.
The following is a back-of-the napkin look at the impact of this part of the tax holiday on Colorado:
Let’s start with the following assumptions:
• Colorado has a covered workforce of 2.2 million people.
• Total covered wages are approximately 100 billion.
• About 85% of the workforce (private sector + federal employees) pay FICA taxes.
From these assumptions we can derive the following:
• About 1.87 million workers will benefit from the tax cut (2.2 million *.85).
• The total wages impacted will be $85 billion ($100 billion total state wages *.85)
• The “cost” of the program to the federal government for stimulus in Colorado, or the maximum amount of
stimulus for Colorado is $1.7 billion ($85 billion *.02)
• Each worker will receive about $900 per year, or $75 per month ($1.7 billion/1.87 million workers).
To calculate the impact to the state it is necessary to make another set of assumptions.
• Because payments are disbursed over a period of a year, rather than in a lump sum; it will be assumed that
slightly less than 1/3 will be invested, saved, or used to reduce debt.
• Slightly more than 1/3 will be used to purchase services (doctors, dentists, massages, etc.).
• Slightly more than 1/3 will be used for retail purchases.
• The Colorado sales tax rate is 2.9%.
• Because Colorado is a home rule state, sales tax rates for cities and districts vary based on location. For
ease in computation it will be assumed that the average rate of combined municipal and district sales taxes is 5.1%.
From this set of assumptions the final set of calculations show the following:
• $500 million will be invested, saved, or used to pay down debt (this will benefit the consumer).
• $600 million will be used to purchase services (sales taxes are not paid on these expenditures).
• $600 million will be used to purchase retail goods (sales taxes will be paid on these expenditures).
• The state will receive $17.4 million in additional sales tax revenue ($600 million * .029).
• The municipalities and special districts will receive about $30.6 million in additional sales tax revenue
($600 *.051).
Let’s put this $1.2 billion “investment in the Colorado economy” in perspective.
• The 2009 Real GDP for Colorado was about $252.7 billion. The $1.2 billion infusion of money into the
Colorado economy is approximately .5% of the 2009 Real GDP. Total costs of the program (to the federal government) are almost $1.87 billion.
• The state is facing a shortfall of about $1 billion. The tax holiday will generate about $17 million.
While these efforts to jump start the economy will provide some assistance in the short-term, there will be a
significant long-term cost to the federal government for the program. Will this effort to stimulate the economy
result in sustained economic growth or will it simply be a variation on past themes and only have a short term impact? How will this stimulus effort shape the discussion for the upcoming 2012 elections? These and other questions will be answered over the next 18 months.
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