Rural Employment Growth Rate Outpaces State MSAs

After a promising start in 2000, employment in all parts of the state suffered from back-to-back recessions. This brief analysis shows that the rate of growth in the rural areas outpaced the metro areas.

Presently, the breakdown between the Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) and rural areas follows:


  • 1.9 million workers.
  • 86.8% of total workers.
  • 17 counties.


  • .3 million workers.
  • 13.2% of total workers.
  • 47 counties.

Despite modest job gains after the first downturn, declines resulting from the second recession dropped statewide employment to 2001 levels.

Seasonality is more evident in rural areas because there is a small base of workers. As a result rural employment is more volatile.

Colorado employment is forecast to increase by 15,000 to 25,000 jobs this year, or in the neighborhood of 1.0%. The rate of growth for rural areas is expected to be slightly higher than in the rural areas.

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