How Would You Describe Colorado’s 2010 Job Growth of 2.3%?

The world would be a much better place if economists were not allowed to use thesauruses. Only economists use phrases and terms such as irrational exuberance, the new normal, conundrum, albeit, and exacerbated.  Even worse are their descriptors for the performance of the economy.

Some economists refer to job growth of 2.3% as encouraging, on the upswing, or comparatively modest. Others might describe that same level of growth as dismal, subpar, or in line with expectations.

The state added 51,800 jobs in 2012. In the 73 years that employment data has been recorded for Colorado, 2012 was the 18th best year in terms of absolute job growth.

If you talked to a group of sixth graders, instead of an economist, they would probably smile and give such a performance an enthusiastic thumbs-up.

The 2012 job growth can also be measured in relative terms. In other words, state employment increased by 2.3%. In the 73 years that employment data has been recorded for Colorado, 2012 was the 46th best year of relative growth.

A group of sixth graders would describe that level of growth as follows, “If I did that poorly on a test I would flunk. That sucks!”

It’s your call, how would you rate the 2012 job growth in Colorado? Would you use the verbiage of an economist or the wisdom of a sixth grader?

For more information about the performance of the Colorado economy in 2012 refer to “Review of Colorado Economy – 2012“.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Milken Report Shows Solid Economic Performance in Four Corner States

The Milken Institute recently released Best-Performing Cities 2012-Where America’s Jobs are Created and Sustained. Coloradans will be pleased to note that Fort Collins was ranked 12th and Boulder was ranked 15th in 2011. As well, Denver-Aurora-Broomfield was 30th, Greeley was 42nd and Colorado Springs was 57th. Pueblo was ranked 33rd and Grand Junction 50th for small MSAs. Since the ratings began in 1999, the Denver MSA has never been in the top 20.

The rankings are based on an index that measures growth in jobs and high tech output from 2006 to 2011. Technology output and wages and salaries are tracked for 2005 to 2010. Five-year ranges account for fluctuation in business cycles. The latest year’s growth from these five-year ranges is also included. The high-tech concentration and the number of high tech industries with a location quotient greater than one for 2011 are also included. Finally, the change in employment for May 2011 to May 2012 is included to capture momentum. This index measures the performance of the country’s MSAs coming out of the recession into 2012.

Overall, the report shows that Silicon Valley is back, Texas remains strong, tech centers have rebounded (Texas, North Carolina, Washington D.C. Utah, and Massachusetts), and Utah is the top state in the Mountain region.

1    San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA

2    Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos, TX

3    Raleigh-Cary, NC

4    Houston-Sugar Land-Baytown, TX

5    Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV

6    Salt Lake City, UT

7    Provo-Orem, UT

8    Cambridge-Newton-Framingham, MA

9    Charleston-North Charleston-Summerville, SC

10    Fort Worth-Arlington, TX

11    New York-White Plains-Wayne, NY-NJ

12    Fort Collins-Loveland, CO

13    Seattle-Bellevue-Everett, WA

14    Dallas-Plano-Irving, TX

15    Boulder, CO

16    Kennewick-Pasco-Richland, WA

17    Peabody, MA

18    El Paso, TX

19    Bakersfield-Delano, CA

20    Lubbock, TX

21    Durham-Chapel Hill, NC

22    San Antonio-New Braunfels, TX

23    Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro, OR-WA

24    Lafayette, LA

25    Knoxville, TN

In addition to the report, the website provides a historic perspective showing the evolution of the top 20 cities for 1999 to 2011. In the table below, the year represents the year of the data, not the year of the report. Results for the Four Corners states show that the Denver MSA was never in the top 20 and Utah’s MSAs  outshined those in Colorado. The data makes the case that the four states represent a region with solid economic performance.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

CBER Colorado Economic Forecast 2013 – Growth Rate Similar in Year Ahead

CBER recently released its forecast of the Colorado economy and at the risk of sounding like a broken record, 2013 will look a lot like 2012 and 2011.

  • U.S. Real GDP will be in the range of 1.9% to 2.3%
  • The U.S. will add 1.9 to 2.1 million workers
  • Colorado will account for 2.5% of U.S. jobs added
  • Colorado will add 45,000 to 55,000 workers.

Since the end of the recession, Colorado employment has had five false starts. Despite serious national and international headwinds, the state may finally have enough momentum to begin showing solid, sustained job growth beginning in the second half of 2013.

Strong Growth Category ( About 32% of total employment)

This category has consistently posted strong growth over the past two decades. In 2013, job growth will be 2.9% to 3.1%, slightly below the category’s annualized growth rate of 3.25% for 1990 to 2011.

Limited Growth Sectors (about  40% of total employment)

This category has consistently posted solid growth over the past two decades (Annualized rates for the sectors range between 1.1% to 2.2%.) In 2013, job growth will be 1.4% to 1.6%, slightly below the category’s annualized growth rate of 1.85% for 1990 to 2011.

Volatile Growth Sectors (28% of total employment)

This category has been inconsistent in its growth rates over the past two decades. It is expected to add jobs at a rate of 2.1% to 2.3%. This is above the category’s annualized growth rate of about 0.79% for 1990 to 2011. This variance from the average is a reflection of the category’s  volatility.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Historical Colorado Output Growth Greater Than U.S.

The Bureau of Economic Analysis recently released 2011 State Gross Domestic Product (GDP) data by NAICS sector. Last year the top industries for the U.S. and Colorado were similar, but they were ranked in different order.

United States Gross Domestic Product 2011 (Sum of States)
• $14.981 trillion.
• Private sector is 87.4% of total GDP; Government is 12.6%.
• Manufacturing; Real Estate/Rental/Leasing; Finance/Insurance are 32.4% of total GDP.
• Professional/ Scientific/Technical; Health Care/Social Assistance, and Retail Trade are 21.6% of the total.
Colorado Gross Domestic Product 2011
• $264.308 billion.
• Private sector is 87.2% of total GDP; Government is 12.8%.
• Real Estate/Rental/Leasing; Professional/Scientific/Technical; and Information are 30.1% of total GDP.
• Manufacturing; Finance/Insurance; and Health Care/Social Assistance are 20.7% of the total.

A quick and dirty historical analysis shows that
• Colorado’s Real GDP (2.9%) grew at a faster rate than the U.S. Real GDP (2.1%) from 1997 to 2011 as well as from 2007 to 2011 (0.7% vs. 0.0%).
• Both the private and public sector real output for Colorado grew at a faster rate than the U.S from 1997 to 2011, as well as from 2007 to 2011. Colorado is listed first in the following comparisons.
o Private sector for 1997 to 2011  3.1% vs.2.2%.
o Private sector for 2007 to 2011  0.5% vs. -0.1%.
o Public sector for 2007 to 2011  1.1% vs. 0.8%
o Public sector for 2007 to 2011  2.2% vs. 0.6%.

For the period 1997 to 2011, four sectors had negative annualized growth in the U.S.: Construction, Utilities, Mining, Construction, and Administrative/Waste Management. Construction is the only sector that posted a decline in Colorado. Colorado outperformed the nation in all sectors except Transportation/Warehousing, Real Estate/Rental/Leasing, Administrative/Waste Management, and Arts/Entertainment/Recreation.

It is important to note that some of the sectors with strongest output growth were sectors that incurred declines in jobs over this period. The Manufacturing and Information sectors are two key examples).

For a detailed analysis of the state GDP, click here (Special Reports section) or go to

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

State Economic Agencies Point to Slower Growth in 2013

The Colorado Legislative Council (CLC) and the Governor’s Office of State Planning and Budgeting (OSPB) recently released their Q3 economic updates. As can be surmised by their names, CLC and OSPB provide comprehensive economic information and forecasts to inform discussion about the state and national economies.

Their most current updates show the two groups are upbeat about the economy for 2012. At this point, they are much less optimistic about the prospects for 2013.

National Employment
2012  1.3% growth and 133,100,000 employees
2013  0.6% growth and 133,900,000 employees

National Unemployment
2012   8.3%
2013   9.1%

State Employment
2012  1.7% growth and  2,296,600 employees
2013   0.7% growth and 2,312,700 employees

State Unemployment
2012   8.3%
2013   9.4%


National Employment
2012  1.3% growth and 133,000,000 employees
2013   0.8% growth and 134,100,000 employees

National Unemployment
2012  8.3%
2013  8.2%

State Employment
2012  1.7%  growth and  2,296,700 employees
2013  1.0%  growth and 2,320,300 employees

State Unemployment
2012  8.0%
2013  7.8%

There are notable differences between the two forecasts for 2013. This begs the question, “Are the two groups intentionally presenting best and worst case scenarios or are their differing viewpoints a legitimate indication of the diverse landscape?”

For more information about updates from OSPB click here.

To view the forecast for CLC click here.

For the most latest monthly update for Colorado click here.



©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Colorado Job Creation Remains Lackluster

The recent release of the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Business Dynamics (BDM) dataset shows that Colorado job creation remains weak.

Unlike other job statistics, which report the change in net jobs, the BDM statistics measure gross job gains and gross jobs lost. The data is derived from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, which explains why the lag in reporting is about 7 to 9 months.

Gross job gains were weak during 2010 and 2011, averaging 127,691 for the eight quarters. During the 7 previous quarters (Q2 2008 through Q4 2009), average quarterly gains were 124,895. This period included much of the 2007 recession. On average, gross job gains have been about the same for the period 2007 through 2011.

For the eight quarters in 2010 and 2011, average job losses were 120,452. By comparison, average job losses were 148,913 for the seven prior quarters (Q2 2008 through Q4 2009).

For 2010 and 2011, net job gains were primarily a result of reduced jobs losses and weak job gains. A variety of factors are responsible for this lack of job creation and ultimately the slow recovery.

In the chart below:
Heavy horizontal blue lines represent average gross gains for the period.
Heavy horizontal red lines represent average losses for the period.
Light blue lines represent quarterly totals (same as previous charts).
Light red lines represent quarterly totals (same as previous charts).

For additional information on the Colorado go to

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

National Jobs Data Continues to Disappoint

The September 7th Bureau of Labor Statistics press release created an uproar with the announcement that the U.S. added only 96,000 net jobs in August. This “anemic” job creation was accompanied by a downward revision in the July data from 22,000 to 141,000.

The private sector added 103,000 jobs for the month. This means government employment declined by 7,000 workers.

The report came on the heels of the ADP employment report which stated that private nonfarm employment had risen by 201,000 in August and July private sector employment had been revised upward by 10,000. Clearly, the two reports on the same topic tell two distinct stories.

At the same time BLS national unemployment slipped to 8.1%. The decline is relatively insignificant.

Of greater concern than the numbers is the impact the current economic conditions are having on the culture in the American workforce. While it is common for workers to feel like they are not valued or part of the decision making process, those feelings are exacerbated during the current economic environment.

Deborah Brackney, Vice President of the Mountain States Employers Council, recently said in an interview with 9News that “Anywhere from 50-60 percent of employees right now say that if they could find another job, they would leave their current employer.” She also added that a recent Gallup poll shows that only 30 percent of employees are engaged in the workplace. Lost productivity associated with this lack of involvement in the company is approximately $300 billion. A critical source of the problem is the lack of communications in the workplace.

In other words, the impacts of the Great Recession have touched both unemployed and employed workers in significant ways.

On average, Colorado nonfarm employment is about 1.72% of the U.S. total. If Colorado grows at the same pace as the U.S. the state data will reflect a gain of about 1,650 jobs. We’ll see what BLS says on September 21.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Colorado Unemployment Rate Up for Fourth Month in a Row

The Colorado unemployment rate rose for the fourth consecutive month and reached 8.3%. While the BLS indicated that this increase was not statistically significant, it is certainly significant to incumbents seeking re-election in November.

The unemployment rate is a metric that the public pays attention to. They view it as a sign that the economy is not improving – as promised. Specifically, more than 225,000 people are unemployed in Colorado.  The never-ending talk about the fiscal cliff, additional easing by the Federal Reserve, and other doom and gloom projections add to the concerns of the electorate and the woes of incumbents.
The increase to 8.3% is significant for another reason. This is the second consecutive month that the state unemployment rate has matched the U.S. Over the past decade, the Colorado rate has often been a half to a full point lower than the U.S. rate. Seldom has Colorado’s rate been equal to or higher than the nation.

The basic reason for the rise in the rate is that the size of the labor pool increased. In other words, a greater number of people began looking for jobs. Even though the public and private sector have been adding jobs for the past two years, they aren’t being added fast enough to absorb all of the interested workers.

On a positive note, initial job claims are declining. That means there are fewer layoffs.

Continuing claims are also trending downwards – ever so slowly. That means people are either finding work or their benefits have expired. The former is a positive sign, while the latter is not.

The most recent data release shows that after seven months, an average of 40,000 jobs have been added, or about 3,300 jobs per month. Two factors could cause 2012 employment to be less than 2011 (Last year the state added 33,000 jobs).

BLS periodically and systematically revises the unemployment and employment data. Revisions to the data could push the 2012 total downward (an upward revision is unlikely).

As well, there could be a downturn in employment. If employment drops to a monthly average of 23,000 for the last five months then the annual total would be 33,000, or the same as 2011.

The good news is that gross job losses appear have declined, there has been a slight increase in gross job gains, and more people are looking for work. While this scenario is not ideal, it is much better than having a rise in the unemployment rate caused by a drop off in gross job gains and an uptick in gross job losses.


©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Employment Numbers Drive DJIA up by 217 Points

On August 3rd the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the U.S. added 163,000 jobs for the month of July. Employment for May was revised upwards for the second consecutive month to 87,000; however, June was lowered from 80,000 to 64,000. The news drove the Dow Jones Industrial Average up by 217 points.

Through the first seven months of this year, the nation added about 151,000 jobs a month. This compares to a monthly average of 153,000 jobs for the first seven months of 2011. Since the end of the recession the U.S. has added net jobs in 25 months and lost net jobs in 12 months. Employment growth is consistently weak, but since October 2010 it has been consistently positive. About 3.1 million jobs have been added since the end of the recession.

About one-third of the monthly sector employment gains were in the Professional and Business Services, lead by the Temporary Help Services and Computer Systems Design sectors. Jobs were also added in health care, leisure and hospitality, manufacturing, and wholesale trade. Other major sectors were relatively flat.

On an upbeat note, the Conference Board is projecting stronger growth in the second half of 2012. Annual real output growth for the year will be about 1.9%.

Likewise, the USA TODAY/IHS Global Insight Economic Outlook Index calls for Real GDP growth to reach 2% in the latter part of the second half of the year. This index tracks 11 leading and financial indicators. The following four indicators increased – hours worked, real capital goods orders, the real money supply and light-vehicle sales.

On average, Colorado nonfarm employment is about 1.72% of the U.S. total. If Colorado grows at the same pace as the U.S. the upcoming August press release will reflect a gain of about 2,900 jobs.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Colorado High Tech Job Growth Flat for Past Year

Colorado’s high-tech cluster played an essential part in the growth of the state economy for the past 20 years, particularly between 1994 and 2001. At its peak in 2001, it employed more than 216,000 workers, or 9.67% of total employment.

Today that number is roughly 175,000, the same that it was when the recession officially ended in mid-2009.  High-tech employment accounts for 7.67% of total workers.

The cluster, as defined by Colorado’s Labor Market Information agency, actually continued to decline after the recession. It bottomed out in March of 2010 at 169,300 workers. Over the next 15 months more than 6,000 jobs were added and 176,000 high-tech workers were employed in July 2012. Cluster employment has been relatively flat since then.

Colorado’s telecommunications sector continues to experience declines resulting from consolidations. As well, it has recently been announced that Abound Solar is going into bankruptcy, the addition of a proposed General Electric facility will be delayed and another GE facility will reduce its workforce. In addition the Aerospace and Clean Energy Park in Northern Colorado was scrapped. Unfortunately, the volatility associated with the fledgling renewable energy cluster comes as no surprise. Proposed defense cuts could play havoc with the state aerospace industry.

Current projections for Real GDP growth are less than 2.0% for the next year. Continued lackluster job growth in the high-tech sector is likely.


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