Manufacturing is a source of primary jobs, or jobs that create other jobs, for about 130,000 Coloradans. As well, some manufacturing jobs pay higher than average wages.
In 2011, the year that data is most currently available, the average annual wages per three-digit NAICS manufacturing sector was $61,668 (Colorado). By contrast, the average for the state was $49,245.
Of the 21 sectors, 5 have average annual wages above the Manufacturing average:
- NAICS 324 (nondurable goods) Petroleum $106,413.
- NAICS 334 (durable goods) Computers $94,452
- NAICS 336 (durable goods) Transportation equipment $91,340
- NAICS 325 (nondurable goods) Chemicals $75,217
- NAICS 312 (nondurable goods) Beverage $62,099
The following two sectors have wages similar to the Manufacturing average:
- NAICS 333 (durable goods) Machinery $61,252
- NAICS 335 (durable goods) Electrical equipment $61,257
Of the 21 sectors, 14 have average annual wages below the sector average.
Overall, Colorado average manufacturing wages are higher than the state average.
For additional information on the state’s manufacturing sector check out Colorado Manufacturing Update Analysis of Employment Data Through 2012. It is available in the Special Reports section at
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