Colorado Economic Forecast Challenges (Education, Industries, Clusters)

Another year, another economic forecast.

Looking ahead to 2012, the state will again experience improved, but below average employment growth. is projecting that U.S. real GDP growth will be 2.1% to 2.5% in 2012, with employment growth of 27,500 to 37,500 in Colorado. For more details about the 2012 Economic Forecast, click here.

There are a myriad of challenges facing the Colorado and U.S. economies in 2012. Some of the key questions relating to these challenges are categorized into the following four areas:
Demand for goods and services;
• Debt, the financial system, and politics;
• Education and workforce; and
• Industry and cluster issues.

This post raises questions about the topics of education and workforce; and industry and cluster issues. The topics of demand for goods and services; and debt, the financial system, and politics were discussed in a post entitled “Colorado Economic Forecast – Challenges (Demand and Debt).”

Education and the Workforce
• When will the higher education bubble burst?
• How will higher education improve their performance in the classroom?
• How will the state fund PK-12 education, particularly given the outcome of the Lobato education adequacy lawsuit?
• Are high school and college students learning skills that can be transferred between professions?
• What is being done to address the mismatch between the skills that companies need and the skills of job applicants?
• What is the role of the older worker in the workforce? How are companies addressing their impending retirement?
• Has Colorado lost its pool of trained workers as a result of the Lost Decade?

Industry Issues
• How has Colorado’s high tech cluster weathered the Lost Decade?
• Has Colorado lost its critical mass of manufacturers?
• Has Colorado lost the supply chain associated with the decline in its manufacturers?
• Is Colorado saturated with retail stores?
• How will second and third generation businesses transition into the future?
• How much longer can the Health Care sector continue to add jobs?

Cluster Issues
• Is homeland security a cluster that is still important to the state?
• What happened to Colorado’s nanotechnology cluster? Five years ago it was top 10 in the country. Today it is seldom mentioned?
• Several studies have pointed to the rise of Colorado’s biosciences cluster? How will this translate into growth at Fitzsimons?
• How is the software industry going to survive and thrive given the mismatch of skills in the labor pool and the needs of the companies?
• Will 2012 be the year that photonics is recognized for its contribution to the state economy?
• Are state and local leaders poised for the volatility of the renewable energy cluster?
• How will budget reductions affect Colorado’s defense and aerospace clusters?

Clearly, it is easier to point out the difficult challenges than it is to answer questions relating to them. As well, additional obstacles will be added to the list throughout the year. While there is a lot that could go wrong, it is important to keep in mind the state has an equally impressive list of assets that can be used to address the challenges of the future. Game on!


©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Manufacturing, Information, and Professional Business Services Drive Colorado Economy

All industries play different and important roles in our economy. Some pay high wages or create new jobs, while others provide services that generate tax revenue.

Economic developers welcome the creation of any job, but they emphasize the recruitment and retention of companies that have primary jobs. A primary job brings in money from outside the local community and often pays higher than average wages. As a result, these jobs create wealth and other local jobs.

In Colorado most primary jobs are in the Manufacturing, Information, and Professional Business Services sectors. They account for about 29% of total state private sector employment and 35% of the state’s private sector Real GDP. Colorado’s Advance Technology cluster is a subset of these three sectors.

In recent years, the Mining and Logging sector has employed about 1.5% of total private sector workers, yet it has accounted for about 6% of the state’s private sector output. The Real Estate and Finance group of sectors are also small from an employment perspective; however, they make a significant contribution, 23%, to the state’s private sector output.

Tourism and retail are important for different reasons. First, they touch the economies of all 64 counties.
Colorado’s scenic mountains provide the state with a distinctive competency, that cannot be replicated. Sales tax from the retail sector are a funding source for special districts and state and local governments. These sectors are important because they employ about 1 out of every 4 workers. Combined, they are responsible for about 11% of the state’s private sector output.

Finally, industries such as health care, personal services, utilities and the remaining sectors are important
because they add to the quality of life. These and the remaining sectors employ 35-40% of private sector workers, while being responsible for about 25% of private sector output.

The above analysis is based on 2009 data. The Bureau of Economic Analysis is scheduled to release its 2010 data within the month. Watch for more in-depth analysis at

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Michael Porter Highlights Colorado’s Strengths and Weaknesses in New Study

Harvard Business Professor Michael Porter is widely recognized for his research in the competitiveness of cities, states, regions, and nations. His studies have emphasized clusters, specialized skills, infrastructure, and commerce as distinguishing factors that delineate the prosperity of these areas.

Most recently Porter measured the performance of clusters within each of the states at the National Governors Association Winter Meeting 2011 (February 26). At that meeting he talked about strategies that would allow the states to become more competitive in the future .

In addition, Porter prepared economic profiles for each of the 50 states. The 50-slide PowerPoint presentations, which were released at the NGA meeting, are formatted in a way that allows for easy comparisons between the states.

For example, it is to match Colorado’s biotech cluster against others in the nation. In 2008, Colorado was ranked 25th in biopharmaceuticals, with 2,032 employees and 11th in medical devices with 13,440 workers.

Each presentation begins with a performance snapshot with a position and trend ranking, by quintile, in five key areas. As well, Porter identified the “strong” clusters for each state.

Colorado’s overall prosperity rating was in the second quintile; however, it was rated in the 4th trend quintile. Essentially the state has strong output per capita; however, it is trending downward. This might suggest Colorado’s competitive position might be in jeopardy.

A second area of possible concern is labor mobilization (labor force/civilian population). On a positive note, Colorado is in the top ten; however, it is in the fourth trend quintile. Again, this is a strength that is trending downward.

There is better news for Productivity (average private wages) and Innovation (Patents per 10,000 workers). Colorado was ranked in the second quintile in both strategic categories. From a trend perspective it was also in the second quintile. These are areas where the state has maintained its strengths and remained competitive.

Finally, the state was ranked in the second quintile for cluster strength and in the top trend quintile. This points to increased strength, as defined by greater market share, in its “strong clusters”.

Porter identified Colorado’s top five clusters as:
• Business Services
• Distribution Services
• Entertainment
• Oil and Gas Products and Services
• Aerospace Vehicles and Defense.

The presentation highlights subtle strengths and weaknesses not mentioned in this brief overview. As such, it is recommended reading for any one interested in understanding the opportunities and challenges Colorado might face moving forward.


©Copyright 2011 by CBER.