10 Years After 9/11 – Creative Financing Fizzles

In early 2003 a reporter posed the question, “Looking back, what did you miss in forecasting the 2001 recession?” In hindsight, there were two signals of greater problems.

1. Colorado construction output began to decline in 2001.
2. Employment in the Colorado Financial Activities Sector moved counter to total employment during the 2001 recession.

At that time, it was difficult to understand these trends because they were not fully developed. In the months prior to 9/11, the economy had slowed, but remained strong. Very few noticed the slowdown in construction output and those who did thought it to be nothing more than a bump in the road.

By mid-decade it became more apparent that the strength of the construction industry was waning. T-Rex was winding down and the only major activity was a smaller highway project in Colorado Springs, the Comanche Power Plant in Pueblo, and a mixture of school construction additions or improvements. In addition, housing permits, and valuation began to level off.

By 2007, housing construction began to slip and by 2008 it was clear that the industry was faced with more than a “bump in the road”. Between 2007 and 2009, 1-in-6 of the private sector jobs lost were either in construction or construction-related industries.

In hindsight, more economists and bank officials should have questioned why employees were being added in the Financial Activities Sector during a downturn. When 9/11 occurred, the economy came to a grinding halt for several days. Americans were encouraged to keep spending in hopes the country could consume its way out of the recession. At the time, that seemed to be the right thing to do.

Creative financing products (HELOCS, 0% financing, interest only loans, reverse mortgages, and others) were designed to stimulate consumption. Demand for these products increased in popularity because they allowed Americans to purchase whatever they wanted. To meet that demand, financial employment expanded between 2000 and 2007.

In 2007 a series of problems began to surface, the popularity of these products dropped off, and employment in the sector reversed trend – sharply. The industry experienced a complete melt-down – collapse of large financial institutions, the bailout of major banks by national governments, bank consolidations and closures, declines in consumer wealth, failure of top businesses, volatile equity markets, declining property values, foreclosures and evictions, and much lower interest rates.

In hindsight it is now easy to see that in 2002 there were signals that greater problems lay ahead. Given the circumstances, it is also easy to see why we looked past those warnings.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

10 Years After 9/11 – Housing Prices

Can you say housing bubble?

During the Lost Decade Colorado residents felt like Ann Hodges, the only person on record to be hit by a meteorite. While the rest of the nation was enjoying steep appreciation in their housing prices, Coloradans only saw modest gains.

Then their fortunes turned.

When the housing bubble burst in 2006, Colorado prices either remained stable or recorded a modest decline. Comparatively speaking, that is good news. Residents in many other states saw precipitous declines.

The downturn in prices meant that at one point, at least 25% of U.S. homeowners, or more than 11 million people, were underwater on their loans. They owed more than the value of their homes.

This problem can be attributed to the creative financing tools that allowed homeowners to treat their dwellings as “cash registers” during times of steep appreciation. They took on extra debt expecting the steep appreciation to continue. When prices plunged, the additional debt came back to haunt them.

Lower housing prices has theoretically made it possible for first-time buyers, those wanting to upgrade, or those previously shut out of the market to purchase a home. But, there is a catch. Underwater owners have difficulty refinancing their homes and those who qualify for refinancing may choose not to sell at a loss.

The combination of underwater owners and the high number of foreclosures has created chaos for the construction market.

It is not a pretty situation; however, in many cases, the lack of steep appreciation in the first part of the decade has worked to the advantage of Coloradans.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

10 Years After 9/11 – Construction

Colorado construction employment declined from mid-2001 through 2004, in part due to 9/11 and the recession. It rebounded between 2005 and 2008, but plunged in 2008. Employment in 2011 dropped back to levels last seen in 1995.

State single family building permits peaked in 2004 at 40,753 and plunged to 7,231 in 2009. A slight recovery was seen in 2010 and 2011.

Total construction valuation for Colorado peaked at $16.8 billion in 2006 and fell to $6.2 billion in 2010.

Colorado’s Construction Sector Real GDP peaked in 2000. It declined at an annualized rate of -5.9% between 2000 and 2010.

In short, the Construction Sector got hammered.

For additional information, see the reports The Colorado Economy Ten Years After September 11, 2001 and Colorado’s Construction Industry – Impact Beyond the Hammers and Nails at cber.co.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Economy Struggles as Debt Ceiling Debate Nears “Deadline”

As the August 2 “deadline” for the debt ceiling approaches there is an abundance of articles, discussions, blogs, and editorials discussing the future of the economy. Most are dismal.

Housing – In 50 words or less, the housing market is dismal. Gary Shilling, Forbes economist, says it will drop another 20% next year. While that may not be the case in many locations, it is unlikely that Colorado will see appreciation in housing prices next year. Time, not stimulus, is the solution to the problem. Unfortunately this points to continued budget woes for schools, special districts, and local governments.

The 2012 Elections – Part of the posturing related to the debt ceiling debate has been centered around the creation of sound bites for the 2012 election. Get your wading boots on for a campaign season that will make previous ones look like a walk in the park. The advertisements and campaign speeches for the upcoming elections are likely to leave the electorate with even greater angst for our elected officials.

Investment Options are LImited – QE2 propped up the stock market for a few months, and temporarily raised consumer confidence. For the near-term, interest rates are miniscule, return on investments are low, commodity prices have fallen off. Did we mention that the housing market has tanked? There are few investment options for consumers.

Fuel Prices, One Example of Inflation – Fed Chairman Bernanke was correct when he said that the price of oil would drop. He forgot to mention that it would occur at summer’s end and it would be accompanied by a decline in the price of other commodities. The price for a tank of gas remains well above $60. Gasoline prices are just one example of inflation that will constrain consumer confidence in the months ahead.

China – The Chinese economy remains strong, but it is slowing. As their consumption decreases, there will be a corresponding decline in the demand for American goods. Like it or not, we are in a global economy and the expansion of U.S. output hinges on foreign consumption.

Unemployment Rate – In Colorado the rate has declined, which is good news. Unfortunately, there are about 230,000 people who are still not working. This is a double whammy. They are receiving financial assistance to reduce their chances of becoming destitute and they have reduced their consumption. As well, older workers are remaining in the workforce because of uncertainty about such federal assistance programs as Medicare and Social Security. This has reduced job opportunities for younger workers, which has multiple negative implications on future economic growth.

At times the dismal news makes it sound like the world is coming to an end tomorrow, fortunately that is not the case. As bad as the economy may seem, the country remains in a growth mode (barely). Despite our current economic and political challenges, the U.S. and Colorado continue to be a great place to live, work, and play.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Recession or Continued Weak Growth?

Employment data released in July showed that June marked the 9th consecutive month of job growth for the U.S. Over the past 18 months almost 1.8 million jobs have been added, yet total employment remains about 7.0 million below the January 2008 peak. From an employment perspective, the recovery has yet to gain traction.

Gary Shilling, economist and contributor to Forbes and other major business publications, has now indicated that a recession is on tap for 2012 On the other hand, the Conference Board feels the chances for a recession, based on the business cycle, are currently less than 1-in-6.

Shilling has cited the following factors as possible reasons for concern about the economy:
• Economic expansions typically last about three years and the U.S. is currently two years from the end of the last recession.
• Stimulus efforts have not had their intended impact.
• Weak job growth (mentioned above). The magnitude of layoffs has tapered off; however, hiring is on an as-needed basis.
• Solid corporate profits are not translating into solid wage growth.
• Personal consumption has not fully recovered. Wealthy consumers are the only group to have resumed previous spending patterns.
• Housing inventory is too high – there are 2 million homes on the market that aren’t moving. This in turn has reduced housing starts.
• A 20% decline in home prices is on tap for next year. If this happens, 40% of mortgages will be underwater and consumer will pull back.

Assuming that the Mayan’s doomsday projection doesn’t hold true, Coloradans can only hope that the Conference Board has a better pulse on the 2012 outlook than Shilling.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

U.S. Employment Situation – The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

The recent labor report from the BLS brings back memories of the Clint Eastwood classic, “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.”

The Good – In February, March, and April an average of 220,000 jobs were added each month.
The Bad – In May the original estimate was that 54,000 jobs had been added. It was hoped that the downward trend would simply be a bump in the road.
The Ugly – The number of jobs created for May was revised downward to 25,000 with an addition of 18,000 in June.

These are not the kind of job gains that economic recoveries are built on. It is estimated that 100,000 to 125,000 jobs must be added each month to prevent unemployment from rising. If you account for the number of older workers who have remained in the workforce, that number might be bumped to 150,000 to 175,000. It is necessary to add between 200,000 and 225,000 jobs each month, on a sustained basis, to lower the unemployment rate.

The private sector posted gains of 57,000, while budget strapped governments reduced their payrolls by 39,000. The net is +18,000 employees.

The financial sector declined by 15,000 followed by construction at 9,000 workers. In addition, the temporary help services sector shed 12,000 workers. The sector, which is often considered a harbinger of broader hiring, declined for the third consecutive month.

On the positive side of the ledger the most significant sector gains were as follows:
• Leisure and hospitality 34,000 employees
• Health care and social assistance 17,400 employees
• Professional and business services 12,000 employees
• Wholesale trade   7,100 employees
• Manufacturing   6,000 employees
• Retail trade   5,200 employees
• Other services   5,000 employees
• Transportation and warehousing   3,600 employees.
Note: Not all sectors are included in the above overview.

While there is optimism for improved economic activity in the second half of the year, the reports cast doubts about job expectations. Employment growth appears to be nothing more than a necessary evil in the new economy that is driven by technology, globalization, a housing bust, and struggling financial markets.

Clint Eastwood, where are you when the country need you the most?

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Contribution of Consumer to Real GDP Continues to Increase

There are an abundance of data sets that are useful in evaluating the performance of the U.S. economy. If only one could be used to measure overall performance it would be Real GDP, or the inflation adjusted output of the economy. The current Real GDP is approximately $13.4 trillion.

There are 4 components of the GDP. Mathematically speaking GDP= C+I+G+X.

The following analysis briefly looks at the change in the composition of output for each of these four components over the past two decades. As such, it is not intended to depict the total amount of output or changes in that output.

Consumers (C) are the primary drivers of the U.S. economy. As can be seen, the importance of the consumer has increased:
• Q1 1990 Personal consumption was 65.8% of Real GDP.
• Q1 2001 The go-go 1990s treated the consumer well – too well. Consumption rose to 69.4%.
• Q1 2003 Consumers were encouraged to keep spending as a way to pull the country out of the 2001 recession. Consumption rose to 70.2%. Creative financing helped sustain auto sales and allowed home owners to use their dwellings as ATMs. As a result consumers saved less, spent more, and  became overleveraged.
• Q1 2008 The Great Recession and the accompanying housing bust caused sharp declines in Investment (I). That decline increased the importance of government and consumer spending (70.3%).
• Q1 2011 The reliance on consumers continued as housing markets remained weak and government spending tapered off. Consumption rose to 71.1% of Real GDP.

Investment (I) includes business spending and the housing markets. The ups and downs of the contribution of investment follow:
• Q1 1990 Investment was 15.4% of Real GDP.
• Q1 1992 After the 1991 recession, investment dropped to 13.1%.
• Q1 2000 Investment rose during the go-go 1990s to 17.4%.
• Q1 2002 The 2001 recession pushed investment down to 15.5%.
• Q1 2006 With the recovery, business activity increased and investment rose to 17.7%.
• Q1 2009 Investment dropped to 11.7% as a result of the Great Recession and the fallout in the housing market.
• Q1 2011 With the recovery, a slight rebound has been seen. Investment has risen to 12.5% of Real GDP.

Government (G) spending was 20.3% of real GDP in Q1 1990. Shortly after, expenditures related to the first Iraq war and the 1991 recession temporarily drove the percentage up slightly. For the remainder of that decade, the strength in personal consumption and investment decreased the relative importance of government spending. Its percentage of real GDP declined to 17.5% in Q1 2000. Since then, it has risen steadily as a result of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and efforts to offset the effects of two recessions. Government spending was 20.2% of real GDP spending in Q1 2011.

Finally, net exports (X) have subtracted from Real GDP, i.e. there has been a trade deficit for over 20 years. In Q1 1990, Real GDP was -1.6% of Real GDP. As the trade deficit increased, net exports reached -5.9% of Real GDP in Q1 2006. In Q1 2011, net exports were -3.8% of Real GDP.

This zero sum analysis illustrates how declines in the relative importance of one GDP component require increases in the relative importance of other components. In short, this analysis shows the role of the consumer (C) in the recovery and the drag placed on the economy by the decline in the contribution of investment (I), particularly the housing market.

Looking to better times in the months ahead and an economy that has more balanced output.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Weak U.S. Employment Report – a Trend or a Bump in the Road to Recovery?

The BLS recently announced that U.S. employment in May rose by just 54,000 workers on a month-over-prior month seasonally adjusted basis. This is a sharp departure from the average monthly gains of 200,000+ for the previous three months. Clearly, the lackluster Q1 real GDP growth of 1.8% was too weak to stimulate increased job gains in the second quarter.

On a positive note, May was the 15th consecutive month of job gains in the private sector, with an addition of 83,000 in May. At the same time, the public sector shed 29,000 jobs as state and local governments scramble to address either budget cuts or inadequate revenue gains. This is the seventh consecutive month of declines for government employment.

Most of the gains (+51,000) came from the service producing sectors, while the goods producing sectors added only 3,000 jobs. Construction and housing woes continue to be a serious drag on the national economy.

Simplistically speaking, about 100,000 jobs need to be added each month to keep up with increases in the population. The unemployment rate will increase when fewer jobs are added.

About 200,000 jobs are required to bring the unemployment rate down significantly. At that rate (200,000 jobs added each month), it will take about three years to return to the peak employment of 2008.

In 30 days we will know if this dismal report was a sign that the economy has slowed or if it is a blip in the road to recovery. In about two weeks, the Office of Labor Market Information will provide their update for the state. Stay tuned.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

Third Consecutive Month of 200,000+ Job Growth

On Friday (5/6/11), the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced the U.S. had added 244,000 jobs in April (2011), the third consecutive month for the U.S. to add at least 200,000 net jobs. Private sector jobs were added at the highest rate in 5 years.

The Professional and Business Services sector added about 51,000 new workers, followed by tourism (46,000), and health care (37,000). Manufacturing posted gains of 29,000 employees.

As expected the largest loser was government, primarily local governments. Sector employment dropped off by 24,000 workers.

The nation has regained 1.3 million jobs in the past year; however payrolls have about 7 million fewer workers than at the pre-recession peak. Despite this improvement, the recovery continues to be painful for a society that thrives off instant gratification.

The current momentum will continue if inflation remains in check, the double dip in the construction sector and housing markets is short-lived, and net job gains continue to average at least 200,000 jobs per month. It will take about 3 more years to recover all jobs at that rate of growth.

In two weeks the Colorado Office of Labor Market Information will release its preliminary employment update for April. Positive, but less than robust job gains are expected, with PBS, Tourism, Health Care, and Higher Education leading the way.

©Copyright 2011 by CBER.

The Employment Recession Has Finally Ended

When the NBER officially announced the end of the Great Recession, the general reaction was, “Oh really?” It was clear to most that while the technical recession was over, the employment recession was not.

More recently, it has been announced that the employment recession has ended, although unemployment remains high. In the case of Colorado, the rate has reached record levels and is higher than the U.S. Again, the general reaction has been, “Oh really?”

Yes, the country is in expansion mode again. (The unemployment rate is dismal, but it is a lagging indicator.)

There are clearly risks to the continued expansion; however, sufficient momentum appears to be in place to sustain growth in the near-term. Arguments supporting the expansion follow…

Mathematically, the recovery has to occur. Over the past three years Colorado had one of the worst performing economies in the country. At some point it has to improve and that time is now. The global economy is likely to expand by 4 to 5% this year and U.S. output growth will increase by at least 2.5%. Given that environment and Colorado’s assets, simple mathematics point to sustained job growth.

The country has experienced 7 quarters of heavily-stimulated Real GDP growth (Q1 2011 data has not been released, but it will be positive). Annualized real GDP growth for this period is in the range of 2.8%. Typically, solid job growth occurs when the economy expands at that rate.

As the recession drew to a close, companies increased output per hour at the expense of labor. The rate of productivity gains peaked in 2009 and 2010. The addition of labor will most likely be necessary for companies to experience further output gains.

As a result, the addition of jobs has begun. Nationally, March 2011 marks the sixth consecutive month of job gains. On average, increases for December 2010-March 2011 averaged 158,000 – not great, but a drastic improvement.

The Colorado growth pattern is a little more sporadic. Beginning in February 2010 job gains have occurred in 9 of the past 13 months and 4 of the past six months. While the path to prosperity is a little bumpy, job gains this year will push total state employment back to the 2001 peak.

Last year, healthcare led the state in job creation. At the end of the first quarter, it is projected to be up about 8,800 workers from a year ago.

The good news is that the sector has been joined by tourism, the extractive industries, and the Professional Business Services (PBS) sector for job creation. At the end of the first quarter, the three sectors will add 25,000 to 30,000 net jobs.
Colorado is coming off a solid ski season which, in part, has helped push tourism employment higher by about 8,200 jobs. Increased traffic at DIA points to solid growth in the industry. High gas prices may work to Colorado’s benefit, if it incents the state’s regional market to enjoy less expensive drive vacations to the state this summer.

The extractive industries comprise a small, but important sector because of the severance taxes  generated and jobs added in other industries. Year-over-year the sector is about 2,100 workers ahead of the same period last year. Sustained growth is likely to continue, particularly if the Niobrara oil patch proves to be a worthy producer.

The PBS sector has added about 8,200 workers over the past year. It is a mixed blessing that more than 40% of that increase is derived from Employment Services, i.e. temporary help. While these are typically not high paying jobs, gains in this subsector often point to expansion of other areas.

While the state may be at three years from recovering all the jobs lost in the Great Recession, we are finally on the path to that recovery. Sustainable growth, at some level, is on tap for Colorado.

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